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Avis sur ESADE Business School

753 avis
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4.11 / 5 sur 753 avis
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For all the PASSIONATE SOULS,ESADE is where you got to be!
Nishtashri S
Espagne, Master
Marketing et Gestion de Ventes, 2020
Évaluation globale
ESADE believes in people and believes in giving them all that is required to facilitate action for the greater good. The course and the curriculum are designed to give learners a view of the real world and hands on experiences. The faculties bring in real-time examples and build inquisitiveness in students to learn more.

Finally, ESADE is a place to learn and grow.
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Points forts
Amazing infrastructure in terms of "Ramblas of innovation", Practical learning experiences, Strategic associations with companies to facilitate hands on and practical learning
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Valoración ESADE
Matya C
Espagne, Licence
Gestion d'entreprise, 2023
Évaluation globale
Generalmente estoy muy satisfecha con todo lo que nos proporciona ESADE, ya sea educación, herramientas... Es cierto que estos últimos años han sido complicados debido a toda la situación de la pandemia, y aunque nos hemos adaptado generalmente bien, hay algunos aspectos en los que ESADE hubiera podido estar mejor.
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Points forts
Nos proporcionan muchas herramientas para poder buscar prácticas aunque no nos ayudan como muchos de nosotros esperábamos, ya que estamos perdidos de cara a nuestro futuro y distintas decisiones que hemos de tomar. El tema del exchange es una oportunidad
Algunos profesores no están a la altura, pueden ser muy buenos con su tema, pero enseñar no se les da tan bien. Con todo lo del covid, se han perdido muchas horas de clase, y hemos tenido que ser los estudiantes quienes nos dábamos clase a nosotros mismos
Utile  |  2
Good for students that want to go global
Marcel E
Gestion d'entreprise, 2023
Évaluation globale
The campus itself is not the largest, but all students course business, law or politic-related studies. Thus, you are guaranteed to come out of the school with an amazing network of like-minded peers. I had to remove one star for how clunky and slow their internal system is, there is much to be improved in that area.
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Points forts
They have a mandatory study abroad program with really good partner universities to choose from in many countries of the world.
There is a severe lack of fluency in the communication between students and internal affairs.
Utile  |  7
Brian A
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, Etats-Unis
Gestion d'entreprise, Licence, Accord universitaire
Évaluation globale
Recommandation personnelle
I recommend studying there and living with native Spanish-speakers. Meet international students and try to interact with the local students as well.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Offres d'emploi et stages
Dispose d'une bourse d'emploi
98.378 offres dans 153 pays
Service the stages et emploi
Recommandations personnalisées
Offres à l'étranger
Alertes d'emplois
Optimisé pour smartphones
Enrolled into full-time migration program during 11 weeks, providing both legal and psycho-social guidance to
ensure rights such as health and education as well as migratory regulation situation belonging to people in
human mobility situation where guaranteed and protected.
Interviewed victims of the venezuelan national conflict, gender violence victims and other vulnerable groups to
identify needs and allocate the corresponding funds
Cooperate as an Encuentros member with other local and international organizations such as OIM and Care
Perú in the event planning of several fairs to provide first hand fast assistance and orientation to migrants and community leaders.
Learning Agreement
An Internship that consisted of a Learning Agreement between both my college and the law firm, and myself. I mainly learned to treat with customers and take care of clients. To learn how to read what the customer wants and interpret words and desires was really useful to become a great sale manager and an effective lawyer. I believe it is fundamental to know exactly what your client wants, be able to empathize with them, and with that informations advise and reach them with the best solution and best matches their expectations.
I worked in many different engagements with several different managers. Hardest thing is managing your time and people
ESADE Business School is highly renowned in the academic and the professional world, alike. It was ranked the world's foremost international business school by the U.S. newspaper The Wall Street Journal in 2006 and 2007.[2] The school's MSc program was ranked 10th worldwide by the Financial Times in 2010.[3] (Source: Wikipedia)

As an international student you can apply to almost all programs:
- Undergraduate program you need to speak Spanish fluently.
- Many Masters programs are taught in English
- The Full-Time MBA is the most international option, 75% of students are not from Spain
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Téléphone: +34 93280 6162
Adresse: Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Av. Pedralbes 60-62, 08034 Barcelona, Espagne
Accords universitaires internationaux de ESADE Business School
Università Bocconi (659 avis)
NHH (429 avis)
LSE (341 avis)