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Ecole des Mines de Paris (ENSMP) reviews

36 reviews
4.39 / 5 based on 36 reviews
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very promising french engineering school
zhao w
France, Graduate
Engineering, 2020
I didn't imagine that I would receive a study of such high quality before I went to Mines Paristech. The school has really invested a lot in her students. We do not only have the best teachers and well designed courses, the school also affords various academic and industriel travels. Like we have a math-ski course that lasts for a week during which we are taken to the aples. There are art courses in which the teacher takes us out for visits in Paris. In my option(major), we will go to Shanghai for two weeks as our option travel. And they are all for free! These experiences really expand my vision of the world and deepen my love for my school. I will definitely give feedbacks in the futur to school and help the futur students in their careers as a tradition.
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decency, equality, freedom
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Master spécialisé Ingenierie d’affaires Internationales
Nathan S
Engineering, Mechanical, 2021
Spécialisation après une école d’ingénieur en ingénieur d’affaires, des cours très enrichissant et une école très dynamique. Le campus de l’IMTBS est mêlé avec celui de l’école d’ingénieur d’Evry ce qui permet de donner une culture technique à cette spécialisation. Les professeurs ont tous issue de la recherche et du monde professionnelle ce que rien leur cours très intéressant.
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Double culture technique et affaires
Useful  |  1
Cutting-edge research
Nastassia T
France, Graduate
Engineering, 2023
The campus is situated in Paris V, which is in quartier latin. There are a lot of students there from very different backgrounds, which is very fullfilling. Moreover, Mines ParisTech is part of the PSL University, so some courses can be taken in exchange with other schools. 
Finally, Mines ParisTech is well-known for its state-of-the-art research centers, located in Paris, Fontainebleau and Sophia Antipolis.
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Research, Location
A lot of general courses
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Ecole trop peu connue
Jehane E
France, Graduate
Marketing and Sales Management, 2020
Je suis à Télécom Ecole de Management qui est une école de commerce encore peu connue. Pourtant elle fait partie des Ecoles des Mines. L'école est gratuite pour les boursiers ce qui est iun très bon point !
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Prix faible ou gratuite pour les boursiers, double campus
Matières parfois sans intérêt
En présentiel, Diplôme Grande École, Autres Matériaux, 12 Mois
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Diplôme Grande École, Gestion de Chantier, 12 Mois
15.000 €
En présentiel, Diplôme Grande École, Énergie, 14 Mois
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Master, Énergie, 15 Mois
7.000 €
REVIEWS BY INTERNS AT Ecole des Mines de Paris
Logistics at an aircraft sensor factory
I was introduced to logistics, which was really interesting.
n 1778, Louis XVI decided to create at the Hôtel des Monnaies (the Mint) "a Chair of mineralogy and metallugical docimasy, in which the professor appointed by the King will give free public lessons in this science".
By an Order in Council of 19 March 1783, the King "resolved to create a mining school, similar to that for roads and bridges which had been set up with great success during the reign of the late King" in 1747. The new "Ecole des Mines" (School of Mining).
In 1816, the Restoration of the Monarchy under the reign of louis XVIII, finally established the School in Paris at the Hôtel de Vendôme, where it has remained until this day. However, because of the lack of space there and following the development of research laboratories, it became necessary to move some parts to Evry (1967), Fontainebleau (1969) and Sophia Antipolis (1976).
Naturally, the skills of the School followed closely the development of the industry and the Ecole des Mines now studies, develops and teaches a very wide range of sciences and techniques of value to engineers, including economic and social sciences.
Originally charged with the training of civil mining engineers and the Corps of Mines, since the Sixties the School has developed its post-graduate research and teaching activities in liaison with industry and with the help of the Armines association. Students and existing managerial staff are given the chance to improve their knowledge of a more narrowly-specialized field through one-year specialist courses as well as short, continuing education courses.
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Phone: +33 1 40 51 90 00
Address: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 60 boulevard St Michel, 75272 cedex 06, Paris, France