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MGIMO University

Overall Reviews
3.85 / 5 based on 52 reviews
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Emma D
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Language, Undergraduate, University arranged
I wish I had known...
I wish I had been more aware of the different standard of living so it was not such a shock.
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In my opinion:
I loved it but I'm not sure everybody would.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
I found it to be a positive experience but my experience was largely organised by my home university so I cannot really comment on the courses in general. The course I attended was very helpful and the teachers were very willing to help and were very understanding.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Be prepared for big temperature variations. Moscow can seem quite hostile if you don't make the effort. Be prepared for a very different way of life. Life in Russia is not the same as in Western Europe.
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Formation de haut niveau, mais trop spécialisée sur le droit international
Vincent D
Law, International, 2023
Le contenu des cours est de haut niveau, les élèves sont formés aux dernières évolutions des problématiques du droit international, dans tous ses aspects, du droit consulaire au droit des douanes (dans l'Espace Économique Eurasiatique), en passant par le droit de la mer et surtout le droit des investissements internationaux. 

La vie associative est très développé, de nombreuses simulations sont organisées (simulation de l'ONU, simulation d'un tribunal d'arbitrage, simulation de parlement, etc...). En outre, de très nombreux cours additionnels et concours sont organisés, sans oublier d'omettre les très nombreuses conférences, nationales et internationales, qui prennent place au MGIMO. Les participants à ces événements viennent des quatre coins du pays, et parfois du monde, pour y assister, l'effervescence dans l'université est permanente.

L'administration est quelque peu obscure et contraignante (où ne l'est-elle pas) et il se dégage de l'ambiance générale un certain snobisme, pour ce qui est des points négatifs.
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Le MGIMO propose en effet un grand nombre de stages, bien qu'à ma connaissance, aucun ne se déroule à l'étranger (ce qui est compréhensible au vue des circonstances actuelles, au moment où j'écris ce message en novembre 2022). 

Une structure entière est dédiée à l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes étudiants, qui organise régulièrement des événements visant à mettre en contact employeurs et étudiants, et à apprendre aux étudiants à mettre en valeur leurs compétences.
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Grande variété, qualité et quantité d'événements associatifs, haut niveau de formation
L'enseignement du russe aux étudiants étrangers
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João F
Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
Language, Undergraduate, Independent
I wish I had known...
Yes, I wished i knew some more about the temperament of the russian people.
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In my opinion:
I loved it but I'm not sure everybody would.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
This is the University which graduates most of the Russian governmental diplomatic staff. I guess this tells a lot...
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Above all, it's very useful to have a basic knowledge in Russian. And people who choose to go to Russia must be aware os the following: it's not easy to interact with a Russian; in general, they're not friendly peolple. It's necessary to be conscient that making friends there is not an easy task, although some positive differences are noticable between teenagers when compared to adults.
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C'est un resume de mon experience generale en Syrie, Chypre etRussie.
Alexandre K
Russia, Other courses
, 1998
Bonjour, je suis ex-Syrien Catholique et Seminariste, mais je suis
maintenant Professeur Russe avec 7 diplomes en Humanites.
Avant de reloqier en Russie (car ma femme est Russe) j'ai travaille comme Guide au musee national de Damas. Puis entre 1972 et 1985 j#ai travaille avec l'INTOURISTE SOVIETIQUE comme chef de Groupe avec les tourisstes sovietiques qui arrivaient chaque semaine en grands bateaux a Lattaquie et les prenais enautocar a Palmyre, Krak des Chevaliers, Bosra..
Enfin entre 1994 et 1995 j'etais a Chypre et je prenais les Russes 
en bateau a Yafa, puis a Jerusalem.
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Dans chaque place ou je travaillais on me donnait des intrucations.
En plus, souvent nous travaillions au-pair, mais je vous assure que 
j'etais toujours mieux que mon camarade.

Messieurs, J'ai travaille comme professeurde Relations Internationales dans deux institutions du ministere Russe des
Relations Etrangeres. (Duree 16 ans)
1- Academie Diplomatique
2- Universite MGIMO.
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Messieurs..Officiellement je ne suis pas guide, mais interprete et traducteur. J'ai traduit 21 livres entre les 4 langues mentionnees.
Oui...Il n'y a pa de limite pour l'Excellence
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Different from the european system
Annie A
Russia, Undergraduate
International Relations, 2021
After completing one year in MGIMO, in the School of International Relations and Affairs, I can sum up my experience and thought with one word: different, different from the european (french) educational system I am used to. Unlike in european universities, my faculty offers a wide range of subjects, a good amount of them having not much to do with my specialization, which can be both good (I have discovered a passion for marketing) and bad (if I have chosen to study social sciences, it is not because I like algebra). The most difficult thing to embrace for me stays the mentality of the people and atmosphere that this university is overwhelmed with.
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A very international faculty
Give us the right to choose any language we like out of the vast choice they have, instead of imposing it
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MGIMO world school
stanley C
Russia, Graduate
Political Science, 2020
MGIMO is a quality school, recognize all over the world, and especially in the post-soviet space. 
Our classes are focus on the study of the post-soviet space, with a Russian point of view, which is very important because it's allowed the student to understand both, their country and Russian views. 
It's something very important, because this lake of knowledge about Russia and post soviet areas, often leads to failed negotiation, in politics as in business. 
++ We study in an international master's program of 2 years, with a student from all around the world, most of them will work in diplomacy, embassy, politics, and international companies, this network is a real asset for the future. 
MGIMO it's also well known for being the school of the future elites of Russia, something that might be also very useful in the future.
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Understanding of russian world, + Network
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