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NEOMA Business School

810 opiniones
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4.11 / 5 sobre 810 opiniones
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The X-culture trainning
Zhiru L
Francia, Posgrado
Management, International projct management, 2022
Valoración global
This is a cross-international cooperation business project. My team members are from the United States, Italy, and Myanmar. We provided solutions to the challenges faced by an Italian wine company. In this process, we overcome cultural differences, jet lag, and technical problems, and finally successfully completed our project.
Greatly improve cross-international collaboration and communication skills.
It is very beneficial to learn from each other's strengths.
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A favor
It's skill-demanding thus can improve one's skills
En contra
Can't meet in person
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Good Experience
Michael M
Francia, Posgrado
Administración de Empresas, 2024
Valoración global
The university is quite international, has good physical and tech facilities, and is located in a city that is conducive to learning (Rouen campus). They offer support to international students at every stage. The teachers are good, and course content is usually practical. 
Joining student associations is a good way to establish a social life. 
If you are an international student, know a little French before your arrival, it will make settling way easier.
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A favor
Good facilities, excellent teachers, active student life
En contra
Could do better on support and communication to international students
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University of Warwick, Coventry, Reino Unido
Administración de Empresas, Grado, Erasmus
Tipo de alojamiento: Piso o apartamento
Organizado por: Universidad de intercambio
Si volviera, eligiría: Piso o apartamento
¿Por qué?
As I was studying for two terms, and then got a job until the end of July, the idea of staying in a boxroom in Ango didn't exactly appeal. I also wanted to be close to the city centre as it was more practical for going out and for when I got a job.
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
The first apartment I was shown by my landlord was a complete dump, right on the other side of the city, near the hospital. After some persuasion, he gave me another apartment, about twice as big, about 3 minutes from the city centre. So after this first hitch, everything went smoothly, and my rent was reasonable after taking the CAF allowance into account. I would definitely recommend an apartment in the centre if you're staying for the whole year. It means taking a bus to school every day, but this only takes 10-15 minutes. From what I saw of the halls of residence, here are my opinions; Arc: big rooms, posh, a long bus ride to the school, nspeak english all the time; Ango: almost prison-like, small rooms, but fairly good atomsphere among all the exchange students; La Pleiade: largeish apartments shared between two, 10 minute walk to the school, midnight bus goes directly there.
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Mon expérience en tant que étudiante à Neoma bs
Marline B
Francia, Grado
Management, 2020
Valoración global
J'apprécie cette école pour l'aide et l'assistance qu'ils fournissent à tous leurs étudiants, qu'ils soient étrangers ou natifs, les professeurs sont très expérimentés pour la plupart et tous sont multilingues. La vie étudiante à Neoma est également très active et pleine d'associations de toutes sortes. On ne s'y ennuie pas.
Globalement, c'est une école très agréable, même si les élèves sont parfois peu inclusifs et égocentriques.
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A favor
La vie associative et assistance
En contra
On ne peut pas améliorer les gens
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Neoma, une école où il fait bon d'y étudier !
Pierre C
Management, 2025
Valoración global
Les cours sont globalement de qualités mais également diverses et couvrent beaucoup de secteurs différents du commerce, avec des professeurs pour une majorité très compétents. Le campus de Mont Saint Aignan est très agréable avec un grand Parc et des salles de classe tout à fait convenables.
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La oficina de carreras
Oui des stages exclusifs sont disponibles sur jobteaser pour les étudiants.
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A favor
Son aspect internationale qui nous permet à nous les étudiants de réliser 1 année complète à létranger en 2ème année de cursus puis un stage de 6 mois à l'étranger en 4ème année
En contra
La communication avec les étudiants
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International connection
Antoine M
Relaciones Industriales y Gestión de Personal, 2023
Valoración global
I did two years of preparatory school (general courses with economic, mathematics and general culture) and then I integrated Neoma. I started with traditional business courses for two years with two exchange semester (BI Norwegian BS and XJTLU in China). 
Afterwards I realised two internships and I specialised in International project development. The school offered numerous specialisation with a deep international connection for lectures and students.
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La oficina de carreras
We find internships on our own but the school helps us with training and guidance.
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A favor
The quality of the student clubs
En contra
Administration warships
13 – 18 de 810
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