138 reviews
4.42 / 5 based on 138 reviews

Useful |
Christian D
Language of instruction: Spanish
Was learning Spanish a key decision factor?
No, it wasn't.
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
We spoke the same language but it was hard to understand some people, chileans tend to cut words, use slangs and speak fast.
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Useful |
Christian D
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Personal savings<br>
A private grant
Work opportunities:
I worked, but it was illegal/cash in hand work
Personal spending habits
Phones is logiacl, becuase when you call family and friends is long distance. Travel, beacuase latin america is impresively beautiful.
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Travel, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
was the same price as at home.
Housing, Food, Nightlife:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand household items
Personal comments
Normally you don't buy books they make you go get copies which is a lot cheaper.
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Useful |
Christian D
I wish I had known...
More about football, they are big fans and I had no idea, and for them it seemed weird sometimes.
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In my opinion:
Everybody loved it, you will too!
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
Its a great university, learn as much as you can from the proffesors, and don't be afraid to ask anyone of the university for help, they are very helpful and want to help exchange students.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Don't waste all your money in bars. Mendoza-Argentina is a busride away and it is a cheap and awesome weekend get away, and then you definetly have to got to Buenos Aires, Peru, and everything else you can afford. Travelling by bus is longer but cheaper. Fish and sea-food in chiel are awesome. And if you want to develop friendship with locals usually you have to take the first step.
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Useful |
Christian D
My academic experiences
Interaction with teachers
Interaction with international students
Interaction with local students
My opinion of the university assessment
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course

Useful |
Christian D
Type of housing: Apartment/House
Arranged by: Independently - I had no other choice
If returning, I would choose: Apartment/House
It gives you more liverty to move around with out having curfues from the host family and more important it gives you the opportunity to totally inmerse yourself in the culture.
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Personal comments
The university has programs wih other university which finds housing (this wasn't my case. Anyhow is not hard to find a place to live, and its easy to move.
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Useful |
Christian D
Student life
Describe host city:
Students equally interact with the local and student community
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Activities: Takes place mostly within the university/student environment
Nightlife, Travel: Takes place both within and outside of the university/student environment
Personal social experience
Personal comments
They have to main party street one is in Providencia and the other is near the river, foreginers mostly go to Providencia but I recommend a diet of both. Providencia is the high end one and by the river is the normal end, drinks and entrance vary according to what i just said. A dont miss is the street teather, it is randomly organized but you'l find it, and there are pleanty of theaters with good perfomances.
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