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Opiniones de Università Ca´ Foscari di Venezia

169 opiniones
4.15 / 5 sobre 169 opiniones
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Venice's historical Ca' Foscari University
Lorenzo R
Lenguas extranjeras, 2022
Valoración global
The courses at my university were all in all well organized and easy to follow. Except for the first year of Korean language which proved particularly difficult as the professor spoke neither Italian nor English perfectly, so understanding the various nuances of a grammatical form or a new vocabulary was complicated.
As for students and campus life, it was generally good and filled with cultural events to partake in. Unfortunately, the last year I attended classes with distance learning due to covid, but excluding a very few occasions exams and lectures were up to part with previous years.
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La oficina de carreras
The university offers opportunities not only erasmus/overseas exchange programs but also some intership opportunities.
Unfortunately again due to covid I was not able to participate in the latter but instead took some of the courses offered by the university's career service.
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A favor
University campus uses historic buildings in multiple locations around the city
En contra
Korean courses need improvement and more extracurricular activities
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Organizzazione e struttura come punti di forza
Lisa F
Administración de Empresas, 2024
Valoración global
La struttura del campus economico a Venezia è molto recente, le aule sono spaziose e innovative. Ho trovato che i professori sono in media preparati e disponibili a dare chiarimenti in caso le lezioni o la modalità degli esami non risulti chiara. Ho trascorso attualmente solo il primo anno a Ca Foscari perché al momento mi trovo a Budapest grazie il progetto Erasmus. Lo scorso anno ho vissuto la realtà universitaria serenamente grazie ai molteplici spazi che l'università ha dedicato allo studio degli studenti.
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La oficina de carreras
Essendo ancora la secondo anno non sono venuta alla conoscenza di numerose proposte da parte di Ca Foscari, molte delle attività sono state tenute a inizio del corrente anno scolastico, quando io mi trovavo già a Budapest.
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A favor
L'ambiente, la struttura e le lezioni sono bene organizzate, se saltate per qualche motivo vengono sempre recuperate. L'organizzazione è il loro punto forte.
En contra
Molto burocratici e poco flessibili alle esigenze di ogni singolo studente, si soffermano su prerogative generali che spesso non sono consone alle diversità dei bisogni degli individui
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Digital Management
Elena F
Management, 2024
Valoración global
The realization of the BS in Digital Management by H-Farm College and the University of Ca'Foscari aims to prepare its students for the challenging world of these days, characterized by the digital -transformation and its new social-economical aspects.
Students will develop several competencies related to the new competitive scenario, such as in the field of Marketing and Communication, Organization and Strategy, Digital Technology and Economics and Law. 
All these skills will engage each student from the beginning, shaping competent and up-to-date future pioneers
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A favor
This course is helping me understand and master, thanks to the broad academic context, the current marketplace challenges.
En contra
The course should to put its students in the working field more frequently
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Bram B
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Holanda
Turismo, Grado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Recomendación personal
Everything was well organised.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
In aula, Laurea Triennale, Commercio internazionale
Prezzo da consultare
In aula, Laurea Triennale, Chimica
Prezzo da consultare
In aula, Laurea Triennale, Storia
Prezzo da consultare
In aula, Laurea Triennale, Scienze umane (altro)
Prezzo da consultare
OPINIONES DE BECARIOS EN Università Ca´ Foscari di Venezia
Rewarding experience
Thanks to this internship I could gain a first-hand experience in research for international cooperation, especially in the field of food sovereignty and gender equality. I have developed new research skills and methodologies, as well as learnt about the working attitude of a country other than European’s.
I worked on social media and rewrite completely the website thorough wordpress. It was interesting and i was happy to hel the company to convert it to the digital world.
No hay descripción todavía.
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Teléfono: +39 041 257 83 09
Dirección: University of Venice, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venezia, Venice, Italia
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