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Avis sur Università degli Studi di Milano

172 avis
4.19 / 5 sur 172 avis
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Italie, Master
Droit, 2021
Évaluation globale
The University of Milan is well known for its wide range of academic study  programs at the undergraduate, post- graduate and research levels. Courses begin as early as September till June or July with a few break periods in between.  The University of Milan can boast of having some well-established Professors acclaimed internationally in most of its faculties. The availability of its English- taught programs which attracts international students from the world over accounting for the great cultural diversity of its students. 

Of course the beauty of all establishments lies in its infrastructures. In that regard " La Statale" in all its campuses depicts the outcome of architectural genius , finesse and resistance all at once and is well equipped to provide good grounds for research in an Institution worthy of its name.
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Points forts
international programs in English language at all levels of education, great study atmosphere,
low quality service online, most articles on website are not translated to English
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Chimica e tecnologie farmaceutiche
Miriam S
Pharmacie, 2022
Évaluation globale
L'università di Milano offre, nell'ambito di materie scientifiche, una vasta scelta. Cinque anni fa ho deciso di affrontare il percorso di CTF e ad oggi posso dire di non pentirmi. La maggior parte dei professori sono in grado di trasmettere l'amore per la loro materia, ma anche l'amore per la scienza e il mondo farmaceutico in generale. Le richieste sono tante, a volte troppe, e non è facile starci dietro perchè i docenti pretendono sempre il meglio da ognuno di noi. Questo può essere negativo nel breve periodo, ma estremamente positivo a lungo termine. Con il senno di poi, infatti, posso dire che le materie in cui ho faticato di più sono quelle che mi stanno dando più risultati oggi.
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Points forts
I laboratori didattici sono ben forniti e utili
Organizzazione degli esami
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scienze biologiche
Veronica T
Italie, Licence
Biologie, 2021
Évaluation globale
l'esperienza è assolutamente positiva, anche e soprattutto in questa fase di corsi ed esami online. Seppur con un po' di lentezza iniziale, il sistema funziona: i professori sono disponibili,  maggiormente ora che non possono avere riscontro visivo in aula. A mio avviso i corsi non hanno perso in qualità, se non dal lato umano ovviamente.
L'unica cosa che implementerei nel corso, pandemia a parte,  sono i laboratori e gli scambi conte strutture Europa, sviluppare più possibilità per gli studenti volenterosi di fare esperienze, anche brevi sia in aziende che in strutture pubbliche.
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Points forts
disponibilità e preparazione dei professori, implementazione degli strumenti digitali nell'ultimo anno
terminare gli studi non avendo abbastanza strumenti per lavorare in laboratorio
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Affordable and accessible entry for all
Italie, Master
Droit, 2023
Évaluation globale
The first thing to mention is the affordability of studying at the university. The fees are very affordable (yes, equal for international) and the school offers some good scholarships, again with very easy requirements.

Another aspect to mention is the accessibility to the university. The ease in admission requirements and Process which is very impressive given the quality of studies.
However, the greatest challenge might come at the embassy level in obtaining a visa, ( patience is a virtue).

Overall the university environment is very good.
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L'espace carrières
The school provides an active career office which notifies student on job fairs, seminars, internship offers as well. orientation assistance and exchange programs such as Erasmus.

However, students (international non- Italian speaking students, especially) have a very difficult time finding internships. From a personal experience  as most of the organisations and companies require a very high level of fluency in Italian as their primary requirement.
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Points forts
Great student experience and support from dedicated staff, affordability and quality academics.
The accommodation requirements are complicated, internships for non-Italian speaking students especially. The cost of living in the city of Milan is unbelievably high.
AVIS DES STAGIAIRES DE Università degli Studi di Milano
Esperienza fantastica
Ho conosciuto molte persone molto interessanti e ho potuto sfruttare le lingue parlando con ospiti internazionali.
Founded in 1924, the main building of the University of Milan is the fifteenth-century "Spedale dei Poveri" (Hospital of the Poor).

Building began in April 1456, and finished in the nineteenth century, thanks to donations and legacies from various Milanese dignataries, who thought it right and dutiful to contribute to the completion and upkeep of the hospital, also called "la Ca' Granda".

In the academic year 1999/2000, the University of Milan established agreements on student mobility with about 300 European Universities.

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Autres noms: University of Milan
Téléphone: +39 02 77 11 82 15
Adresse: Università degli Studi di Milano, Livorno 1, 20122 o, Milan, Italie
Accords universitaires internationaux de Università degli Studi di Milano
Universität Wien (278 avis)