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Universität Paderborn

Expenses Reviews
4.07 / 5 based on 84 reviews
1 – 6 of 12
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Satyam R
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Engineering, Mechanical, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Main source of funding:
A private grant
Other sources of funding:
Family<br> Personal savings<br> Government assistance
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
Drinks are cheap here. Food is pretty economical too. On campus accommodation is very reasonable. I travelled heaps, which is where most of my money went.
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was more expensive than at home.
Nightlife, Overall, Telephone:
was the same price as at home.
Food, Housing:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
I wired my money to Volksbank, which went very smoothly. You can get transport around the city for a semester for about 60EUR when getting the uni id card. If you plan to use train a lot, get a Bahncard 50. remember to say you're a student when you buy this card. use budget airlines too :)
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Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Physics, Graduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I didn't explore any work options
Personal spending habits
Because the nightlife in Spain is more expensive. And in Spain I don´t usually travel. And in the host country I had to buy a movil telephone, so I spent more money than in Spain, where I had no movil telephone.
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Overall, Housing, Travel, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
was the same price as at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
I was surprised when I realised that I had to pay each month for having a saving account. Immediatly I changed my account to another band (volksbank)
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Marta G
The Poznañ University of Economics, Poznan, Poland
Financial Management, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
An ERASMUS grant
Other sources of funding:
Family<br> Personal savings
Work opportunities:
I didn't explore any work options
Personal spending habits
Because my home country - Poland - is generally much cheaper than Germany
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Telephone, Housing, Travel, Overall, Nightlife, Food:
was more expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
cost-saving tip: planning a party in some club get your friends together before and drink at home - alcohol is pretty expensive in clubs
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DePaul University, Chicago, United States
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Independent
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
I traveled almost every weekend, I don't do that at home. And the telephone is just darned expensive in Europe. Email is fabulous though.
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Telephone, Travel:
was more expensive than at home.
Food, Overall, Nightlife, Housing:
was the same price as at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
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Useful  |  1
Niamh K
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Government assistance
Other sources of funding:
Personal savings<br> An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
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Travel, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
was the same price as at home.
Housing, Food, Nightlife:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Do a TEFL course if possible. With this there are opportunities for teaching English.
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Useful  |  0
Caroline D
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Language, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Family<br> Personal savings<br> An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I didn't want/need to work
Personal spending habits
Because it's generally a cheaper country.
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was more expensive than at home.
Travel, Food, Overall, Nightlife, Telephone:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
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1 – 6 of 12