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Avis sur Université Paris X - Nanterre (UPX)

174 avis
4.12 / 5 sur 174 avis
Utile  |  2
Review of University Paris X
Marwa M
France, Licence
Langues étrangères, 2020
Évaluation globale
Being a student in the university of Paris Nanterre is so interesting, this isn't like any other college. 
First of all, it is a huge campus based near " La Défense " and have everything you could ask for : appartements, a pool, a tennis club, gym, many restaurants and more. Trains ( rer A,L...) and buses can take you to the university. That is in total more than 30.000 people who study there, some of our politicians/celebrities and current French president graduated from Nanterre University     
(Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Christine Lagarde, David Guetta, Dominique de Villepin...).
Thanks to our teachers, they set the bar high. I have never met an unqualified professor during my studies, they were all pretty good and offered me so much in terms of advices. I study in foreign languages so Nanterre university welcome qualified teachers from everywhere around the world: Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Spain, Mexico, Russia , this is some professors I had the chance to study with. Students as well come from every part of the globe, which is so unique and interesting because you get to talk with them and make new friends. 
The place feels alive, there is parties, travels, associations, foreign students...
My course taught me so much, i am currently studying law, economics, political and economical translation in English and Spanish, Russian. I have never used many different work tools and it feels great and rewarding.
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Points forts
Teachers, student life
Utile  |  4
Jose G
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Espagne
Droit, Licence, Erasmus
Évaluation globale
Recommandation personnelle
not to go. i think that an international study experience is one of the best things anyone can do in their student life, but this University does not meet the minimum requierements in social or acadameic life, so I would tell people to go to a different parisian or french University.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Utile  |  0
Historia del Arte en Paris
Ramon V
Espagne, Master
Histoire de l'Art, 2014
Évaluation globale
Muy recomendada, Paris es el sitio ideal para estudiar los periodos del arte moderno y comienzos del arte contemporaneo del siglo XX, los edificios y construcciones que se pueden encontrar en esta ciudad permiten contextualizarse en estos ultimos  periodos del arte europeo
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L'espace carrières
La carrera de historia del arte en la Univerisidad Paris X de nanterre, esta focalizada sobre el periodo antiguo, medieval , moderno y contemporaneo. Para el que quiere especializarse en la antiguedad y el periodo medieval, existen muchas oportunidades de practicas, salidas internacionales e instituciones en general que preservan las colecciones artisticas de estos periodos, en el caso de los periodos moderno y contemporaneo existen menos oportunidades y desafortunadamente tambien hay mas estudiantes que desean especializarse en estos periodos, lo que hace que sea aun mas dificil de encontrar practicas y empleos en estas areas.
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Points forts
Nanterre universite abre mas facilmente las puertas a los estudiantes extranjeros, sobretodo a aquellos que todavia no tienen un nivel de lengua francesa avanzado, es un campus con muchos servicios, muchas zonas de estudio, recreacion y buen transporte
Salas de clase reducicdas
Utile  |  0
Psychology's studies
Juliette D
Royaume-Uni, Master
Psychologie et Sciences du Comportement, 2019
Évaluation globale
I studied psychology in France during 3 years so I have my bachelor. I also have a formation in criminology of a school in the south of France. 
I learned about different subject : development, cognitive, sociology, criminalistic, social, biology, etc.. So i have skills in relations ship and human being. It was very instructive personally and professionally.
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Points forts
quality of courses
not enough specific
En présentiel, Licence, Droit des Affaires, 3 Ans
Prix sur demande
En présentiel, Licence, Économie, 2 Ans
Prix sur demande
AVIS DES STAGIAIRES DE Université Paris X - Nanterre
Identifier le problème et mettre en œuvre une...
Très bonne expérience qui m'a permis d'apprendre a gérer plusieurs taches à la fois.
c'était très intéressant, j'y ai appris de nombreuses informations sur les travaux publiques et l'entretien de la voirie 
The University Paris X in its 35 years of existence has become one of France's very finest universities. Situated at only five minutes from the center of "la Défense", it is a multidisciplinary university. Nanterre proposes prestigious study courses in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences, law, economics, business administration, applied mathematics, and sport.

Founded as an annex to the Sorbonne, Nanterre has, since the opening of the first building in October 1964, achieved a considerable place in the French and European universitary landscape. Nanterre is best-known for being the source of the 1968 movement, but has also made itself recognized in the scientific and literary domains.

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Autres noms: University Paris X - Nanterre
Téléphone: +33 1 40 97 74 07 (Int'l Office)
Adresse: Université Paris X - Nanterre, 200, Avenue de la Republique, F-92001 Nanterre Cedex, Paris, France
Accords universitaires internationaux de Université Paris X - Nanterre
Universität Wien (278 avis)
Aalborg Universitet (408 avis)