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Université de Savoie

Opiniones generales
3.91 / 5 sobre 133 opiniones
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Un Master tourné vers l'international
Justine B
Turismo, 2023
Valoración global
Mon master "International Business and Tourism Management" détient, selon moi, deux principaux points forts : 

- une ouverture à l'international importante, grâce à la mise en place d'un semestre de mobilité obligatoire, à la présence d'enseignants et de professionnels venant de divers pays (dispensant ainsi des cours en langues étrangères), et enfin, par la présence constante d'étudiants ERASMUS à nos côtés. 

- une professionnalisation approfondie, par l'intervention de professionnels (à la tête de certains cours), mais également par la réalisation de projets en partenariat avec de réelles entreprises (office de tourisme d'une commune de montagne, Parc Asterix...). À travers chaque projet, j'ai eu l'occasion de pouvoir réaliser de nombreux supports de communication en tout genre.
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La oficina de carreras
Notre université ne nous aide pas dans la recherche de stage. J'ai, cette année, eu l'opportunité de trouver un travail au sein d'un hôtel à Madrid, par l'envoi de plusieurs candidature spontanée. 

Il a été de même pour mes précédentes années d'études, où j'ai systématiquement envoyé mes candidatures de façon spontanée.
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A favor
Un accompagnement et un aspect très international
En contra
Certaines matières dont les sujets se ressemblent beaucoup
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Great university for adminsitration
Manon K
Relaciones Industriales y Gestión de Personal, 2024
Valoración global
As a student pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resources at Université de Savoie, I am delighted to share my positive experience with this institution. The university has truly provided me with an enriching and rewarding academic journey that aligns perfectly with my aspirations in the HR field.

One of the standout features of Université de Savoie is its dedicated faculty. The professors are not only experts in the field of Human Resources but also genuinely invested in their students' success. Their approachable nature and willingness to provide guidance both inside and outside the classroom have been instrumental in my learning process.

The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, striking a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application. The program's emphasis on case studies, real-world projects, and internships has given me invaluable insights into the HR industry and its challenges. This hands-on approach has prepared me well for the demands of the professional world.

The university's commitment to fostering a diverse and collaborative environment is commendable. I have had the privilege of collaborating with peers from various cultural backgrounds, which has enhanced my ability to work in global HR settings. Moreover, the university frequently organizes workshops, seminars, and networking events, allowing students to connect with HR professionals and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

In conclusion, Université de Savoie has provided me with a top-notch education in Human Resources that has exceeded my expectations. The faculty's expertise, the practical approach to learning, the emphasis on diversity, and the overall campus environment have all contributed to my growth as a future HR professional. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained here will empower me to excel in the dynamic world of Human Resources.
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La oficina de carreras
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A favor
The campus itself offers a conducive learning atmosphere. The state-of-the-art facilities, well-equipped libraries, and modern classrooms contribute to a seamless learning experience. Additionally, the university's location in the scenic region of Savoie
En contra
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Solar Energy Law economics and management
Dania H
Economía, 2022
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I obtained my Master 1 degree in Solar Energy Law, Economics and Management at Savoie Mont Blanc university Chambery, France in the year 2021-2022 and another master 1 degree in Law at the Lebanese University in the year 2019-2021. During the year of 2021-2022 I accomplished lots of topics in the legal and economic perspectives that are related to this internship. In the legal perspective, I was studying about agreements and directives including Paris agreement and other agreements that sets targets to reach for zero GHG emission by year 2050. In the economics perspective related to energy, I was well trained to calculate of the marginal cost and the marginal damage emitted from the usage of energy and how it differs when replacing non-renewable energy to renewable energy. I used different software including STATA to measure the data related to innovation example implementation of solar systems on buildings and the cause of increasing these implementations, and MATLAB program to calculate the change in price dynamics such as change the price of oil, gold. In addition I was studying the value chain of energy usage from exploring the primary energy till selling them as oil, fuel or any other energy, I was also calculating energy use in buildings and how much C02 it is emitting and Urban planning related to PLU France for implementing solar energy systems in buildings and other renewable energies to reach sustainability, SCOT directives for the usage of renewable energy and the targets set for reducing GHG emissions to reach zero net  by year 2050. I also studied lectures in sustainability (analyze its importance to reach the target).
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A favor
Helps student, Motivational, Environmental, working on sustainability
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Reino Unido
Lenguas extranjeras, Grado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
The only thing is I wish I had been better informed of the housing situation.
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En mi opinión:
A la mayoría les gustó.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
I would reccomend the area, the culture is very friendly and accomodating. The University however I felt was accademicaly unorganised. I would definately reccomend the area, particular if you're interested in winter sports as this is a prime location for carrying these out.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
I had an amazing time, the key to having a good time is being outgoing, and independant. I would not have met so many wonderful people if I had not been both of these, and I know other people that had awful times, but in my opinion this was down to their lack of effort to integrate with the other students.
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Université avec petites promos
Morgane Q
Francia, Grado
, 2018
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Petite université située dans le village de Bellecombette, petites promos ce qui donne lieu à des enseignements au plus proche des élèves. Se rapproche du lycée, ce qui peut être positif lorsque l'on a peur de se retrouver dans des amphithéâtres gigantesques, mais est un point négatif lorsqu'on enchaîne par exemple sur un Master et qu'on se retrouve dans de très grosses promos.
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A favor
Enseignement plus "personnel"
En contra
La qualité des installations
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Un cadre d'étude idyllique
Batiste G
Francia, Otros cursos
Ingeniería, Mecánica, 2021
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En plein cœur des Alpes et avec la Suisse à proximité l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc offre un cadre d'étude exceptionnel d'un grand dynamisme. De plus elle est l'une des université française avec le plus de partenariat internationaux. On a donc la possibilité de partir en stage ou en étude dans le monde entier.
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A favor
La localisation
En contra
Très peux de cours en anglais donc une faible attractivité pour les étudiants étrangers
1 – 6 de 58