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Grenoble Ecole de Management

377 reviews
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4.08 / 5 based on 377 reviews
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About GEM, Grenoble Ecole de Management
Anuja D
Management Science, 2024
Grenoble School of Management, also known as GEM, is a leading business school in France that offers undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs. The school is accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, which are the top international accreditation bodies for business schools.

One of the strengths of GEM is its diverse and international student body, with students from over 60 countries. This creates a vibrant and multicultural environment that fosters global perspectives and cross-cultural understanding.The quality of the teaching and faculty at GEM is also highly regarded. The school has a team of experienced professors and practitioners who are experts in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of real-world knowledge and industry insights to the classroom, making the learning experience more practical and relevant.

In terms of student life and campus facilities, GEM has a modern and well-equipped campus that offers a range of resources and services to support students' academic and personal development. The school also has an active student association that organizes various extracurricular activities and events throughout the year.
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GEM has a dedicated career center that offers a range of career services and resources to help students and alumni achieve their professional goals. This includes internship and job opportunities, career counseling, resume and cover letter review, and networking events. The school also has partnerships with a wide range of companies and organizations, both in France and internationally, which provides students with access to a diverse range of career opportunities.

Overall, GEM is a highly respected business school with a strong academic reputation and excellent career prospects for its graduates. If you are considering studying at GEM, it is recommended to research more on the specific programs that interest you and speak to current students and alumni to get a better understanding of their experiences.
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International Atmosphere
Career Guidance
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Double curriculum in Management and Engineering with Cy Tech (EISTI)
France, Graduate
Business Studies, 2023
This double curriculum is very interesting because it takes place throughout the entire schooling and appeals to the constant solicitation of students, who from the very first days in school see 2 different methods and 2 different work systems (telecommuting and face-to-face). We can thus observe the best on each side and retain good practices. There is also the fact that the skills developed in engineering school are more in line with the very theoretical training of the preparatory class (mathematics and computer science) while exploring new, more specialized fields (object-oriented programming, database management, advanced algorithmics, etc.). Where business school training is more open and comprehensive, there is something for everyone.
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Double curriculum; Evolving in different environments; Open Initiative; Collaborative work; Flexibility: Analytical skills and know-hows
Course management; You have to learn to take a step back; Take initiatives by you own
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Anne M
Norwegian School of Management BI, Oslo, Norway
Marketing and Sales Management, Undergraduate, University Agreement
I wish I had known...
Nothing comes to mind right now
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
It is a new, very modern school that is rated among the top 7 of French business schools and is highly estimated among recruiters, companies, people in general and so on. The student life is very active and it impressed me. ESCG has good partnerships both in academic and professional terms. Also it has a good location and the area is developing with several construction sites.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
For you ski lovers, this is your Mekka! Grenoble is a great place to be and it is easy to get around. For instance, it is the capital of the Alps, Italy is a 2 or 3 hour drive away, so is Geneva, Switzerland. Paris is 3 hours and Lyon is 1 hour away by train. These are only examples, there are lots of possibilities. A tip is to get the "Carte 12-25" if you're under 25, you get up to 50% off on train fares and there are also other advantages. Before you leave, make sure you have all the papers you can think of plus several copies. You will need them in France as it has a bureaucratic and paper-loving administration. The school explains you what to do and where to go in order to get your visa, which is very important. Also you must register with the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales, it is worth the pain and effort: you get money back on your rent! A really nioce bonus that helps on your budget!!
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Une bonne école pour apprendre à être polyvalent en entreprise
antoine F
France, Graduate
Financial Management, 2023
N'attendez pas d'une école des connaissances purement théoriques. L'école a compris et pris le parti de vous amener à l'essentiel: les bases des principales fonctions en entreprise. Elle mise surtout sur un élément déterminant: le comportemental, comment travailler en groupe, évoluer dans un environnement international. C'est là l'intérêt de venir à l'école, expérimenter ce qu'un cours sur papier ou dans une vidéo ne pourra transmettre. La vie associative permet également de mettre en application ce concept comportemental et d'accroître la bonne adaptation dans le monde de l'entreprise.
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être multi sectoriel et encourager à découvrir différents secteurs
la flexibilité de la partie administrative de l'école
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the  school of progress
mohamed n
Senegal, Graduate
Management Science, 2018
When I started in GEM I knew I was in for a treat. Schools sometimes happen to teach you the theory but do not provide a practical grasp of the subjects that are being studied. However, in GEM every course had at least a  practical activity to really understand what we were studying in a real life context. Activities such as " Serious Game" provide a simulation of a market affected by environmental changes hence asking the players to adapt their strategy for their products and compete with each other. GEM really taught me about what i should expect in the corporate world.
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many partners, prestigious diploma and teachers
lack some fields although they are expending their courses
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A life changing experience
Duong N
France, Graduate
Business Studies, 2021
Studying at GEM helps me become closer to my dream and career goals. The school provides great and practical, hands-on pedagogy delivered my teachers with academic or professional experiences. Especially, you can have a chance to join Live Business Case, in which you work on solving a company real issues. Also, there are many kinds of support outside classes to help students with their employability (career center, job fairs, etc) and personal development. The students and teachers are highly international, so that you don't feel lost in a foreign country.
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Interesting courses and teachers, professional orientation.
Tight schedule for the first semester.
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