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Studies > Finland > Oulu > Oulun Seudun Ammattikorkeakoulu > Academic Reviews 
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Oulun Seudun Ammattikorkeakoulu

Academic Reviews
3.90 / 5 based on 484 reviews
1 – 6 of 80
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luis f
Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Telecommunications, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
The teachers and the staff are very helpful and friendly. You can go to the computer room even on weekendds, and also use the multimedia lab when you need it. teacher interaction in Finland is very easy going , that is very nice.
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Personal comments
The institute of technology has a somewhat small choice of subjects taught in Englishbut there is a wider choice at the nearby business school. It would be great if more topics in english were added. Also, the school has some foreign language courses they could open also for foreign students. Overall, it is very good that they provide education in English.
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
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Katrin J
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, St. Pölten, Austria
Communication and Information Sciences, Graduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
that the courses are arrangend before we arrive here (because of the learning angreement the school should know how many students are in which course, so there should be space for everybody-->please form the different groups before the period begins)
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Personal comments
to let people work with whom they want-->a lot of problems otherwise to coordinate things because of different cultures....
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
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manuela k
St. Pölten University Of Applied Sciences (in german: Fachho, St. Pölten, Austria
Radio / TV Broadcasting, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
in my personal case i had to take all of the courses (DIME) as a package and could not choose. therefore i had to study some stuff which is completely different to what i do at home.but i think that's more a lack of flexibilty of my home uni. we had lots of foreign teachers, and most of them are really professionals, and not teachers in their "normal lives"
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Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
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Justine P
Université de Caen, Caen, France
Marketing and Sales Management, Graduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
My courses were good but the level and what we have learnt was not so much
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Personal comments
I think it is a completely different way to teach student that in my country because it is the student who whorks but in one side I think that it is better for them. We have a lot of theorical courses but not so much practical in my country and this is a good point here
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
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Lenka F
Slezska Univerzita, Opava, Czech Republic
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
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Personal comments
The waiting for results of exams is "neverending story". It is really too long not to know month after exam the result. At my home Uni, teachers have to give U results max. next day (in the case of all-faculty courses - next week)!!! So the improvement? Be more quick!!!
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
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The Poznañ University of Economics, Poznan, Poland
Business Studies, Graduate, Erasmus
Course recommendations
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Quality of courses
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Interaction with teachers
Interaction with international students
Interaction with local students
Personal comments
Teachers who cannot speak english well shouldn't teach foreign students; some teachers shouldn't teach at university at all cause of lack of knowledge and competence (unfortunatelly experienced one example at web-animation course)
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
1 – 6 of 80