Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway Hospitality, Catering / Hotel Management, Graduate, University Agreement
Personal recommendation
I was very satisfied with the quality of the teaching. It came as surprise that there were only 2 English students out of 45, but the international composition made for a great team building experience. The social life was also good, everyone was very friendly.
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During my experience abroad, I ... (1) Never – (4) A lot
Very mediocre university. Many people apply to have "Oxford" written on their CV but it is far from the University of Oxford.
It is not a bad university but it isn’t a leading one. This means that the students of OBU are less desired by potential employers.
A lot of university’s budget is spent on impressive buildings (John Henry Building) and administrative stuff rather than to enhance teaching standards. At open days students are shown beautiful buildings but later sometimes end up having classes in the middle of nowhere (Wheatley Campus).
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Apparently good for Architecture
Very average in other courses
Useful | 3
Celine L
Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France Business Studies, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Course recommendations
System really different- Differnet way of teaching (a lot of group work, presentation... that we don't have in France)- Way of working by yourself quite new for us- be careful to stay concentrated on course- it is really easy to get lost and not knowing what is more important: going to Parkend on the Thursday night or the Finance lecture on Fridays mornings? Nobody's there to force or at least control the student- Complete auto-management which can be a bit surprising at the beginning