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Universität Wien (UNIVIE)

Expenses Reviews
4.18 / 5 based on 278 reviews
1 – 6 of 42
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University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, United States
Business Studies, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Government assistance
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
Food and accomodations in universities in the states are probably the most expensive anywhere- dining hall meal plan is ridiculous in itself, so these things were cheaper in Vienna. Phone bills were of course worse since I had to talk to my mom, whom I'm very close to, internationally (only once a week though). Nightlife was probably more expensive because I simply went out more in Europe than in the states- it was more interesting to me to go out there- movies are also more expensive (not by much though). Travel was of course more expensive because the opportunity to travel to other countries is so available- where would I go in Maryland- Delaware? There is expensive shopping in Vienna- shoes, clothes; so it is possible to make the time hear outrageous if you are shopper. I am not at all so I could be thrifty and happy. I did know some unfortunate souls who couldn't stay away from Mariahilferstrasse (main shopping street) for more than a day. Travel I was thrifty with too- not by choice but because I didn't have cash most of the time to go anywhere. By the way, most people who study abroad do- I didn't know that until my fellow Americans were gone for jaunts to Paris or Amsterdam on a pretty regular basis. God bless you if that's you, but my ass was in Vienna staring at my Bulgarian roommate most of the time- which though difficult at times, made my experience fabulous, much more authentic than if I had all the dough to leave when I wanted.
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Telephone, Nightlife, Travel, Overall:
was more expensive than at home.
was the same price as at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Sometimes the credit card was a little funny, and I had to contact the parentals to figure out was wrong- this only was a temporary headache- I was never in the position to borrow from anyone; I had little jobs tutoring English and babysitting and then I worked for a language institute where I taught business people English- I highly recommend working in some venue while in Vienna- it just adds to the experience. That's another reason I'm glad I needed money more than my fellow well-off Americans; if I didn't, I would never have worked and had some of the greatest memories I have- builds self-confidence too.
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Jesús P
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Economics, Graduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Personal savings<br> An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
Because I live with my parents in Madrid. Housing is more or less so expensive as in Madrid, nightlife is more expensive, and I travelled a lot.
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Overall, Food, Telephone, Nightlife, Travel, Housing:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Erasmus grant is too little, you can´t live only with it. My residence was a surprise for me, because it was quite good and costs only 250 € per month. Maybe the best cost-saving tip is not going clubbing too often.
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University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Government assistance
Other sources of funding:
Family<br> Personal savings<br> An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I didn't want/need to work
Personal spending habits
The apartment was more expensive than the one I have at home. I also travelled more during my exchange term than usually.
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Travel, Housing, Overall:
was more expensive than at home.
Telephone, Nightlife, Food:
was the same price as at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Choose the bank carefully! some banks have high administrative costs, but some have special accounts for students only, inexpensive
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University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Language, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
An ERASMUS grant
Work opportunities:
I didn't want/need to work
Personal spending habits
Obviously bc travel to and from was more expensive. Also wanted to make the most of my year out so travelled a lot, and went out a lot.
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Telephone, Nightlife, Travel, Overall, Food:
was more expensive than at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Second-hand bedding
Money from home
Personal comments
Its v cheap to eat out compared to the UK, however this does encourage you to eat out more...
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Useful  |  0
Meredith S
Georgetown University, Washington DC, United States
History, Undergraduate, University Agreement
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Personal savings
Work opportunities:
It was not legal for me to work
Personal spending habits
DC is expensive in comparison to Vienna. I travelled a lot in Austria which I do not do in DC.
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Travel, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
Food, Overall, Housing, Nightlife:
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Not really. Don't go out every night of the week to save money. Enjoy a bottle of wine at home with friends instead.
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Useful  |  1
Sébastien B
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Banking, Graduate, Erasmus
Main source of funding:
Personal savings
Other sources of funding:
Work opportunities:
I didn't explore any work options
Personal spending habits
I did spend a little bit more than at home. Mainly on my "Erasmus-style" nightlife...
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was more expensive than at home.
Travel, Telephone, Housing, Overall:
was the same price as at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Transport are cheap when you buy the semestrer card. In general, public transports in Vienna are great!
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1 – 6 of 42