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Universiteit Maastricht (UM)

500 reviews
4.08 / 5 based on 500 reviews
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Maastricht. Time management is key!
Leon K
Netherlands, Undergraduate
Marketing and Sales Management, 2017
Maastricht can be an amazing place to study, if you manage your  time properly. It sounds less important than it is, but it is the single most importat skill you will need to learn in Maastricht (School of Business and Economics). From the first period onwards, your will be flooded with assignments and group work. If you do not manage it properly, your hobbies, your relationships and other interest might suffer alot. 

What if you manage your time properly? You will be rewarded with one of the most international student communities in the world.  And all of them have amazing stories to tell. Strong bonds will quickly form among the students and the community will develop an incredibe charm. Especially, when times get rought during the exam period. We call it the "Maastricht spirit". 

The courses themselves are well organised, the applied nature of most of the courses equip you with very decent presentation skills and all sorts of other soft skills. That is why most graduates from Maastricht easily enter the job market as consultants. Especially in German companies, graduates from Maastricht are very high in demand. 

Lastly, the value of interests, hobbies, education beyond the regular schedule can not be emphasised enough. Try out as many things as you can. Time management is key!
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Soft Skills, International experience, network, beautiful city
High workload, few cultural activities
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Double Degree great for your CV
Lara H
Germany, Graduate
Development Studies, 2019
MSc in Public Policy & Human Development is offered as a double degree program by Maastricht University and the United Nations University-MERIT. The first semester discusses a lot of data science (Using STATA) as well as the basics of public policy, economics and an intense course in public policy analysis. The second semester depends entire on the specialization that you choose (6 options). I chose regional integration & multilevel governance in which I did not learn as much as I had hoped, while the last course offered a lot of insight into Logistical Framework analysis, stakeholder analysis and project management. The other courses were very basic and while I learned more about regional studies I didn’t gain any valuable skills. I know other specializations felt better prepared for the job market (e.g. social protection) so be sure to do your research before choosing your specialization
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Double Degree, Practical Skills, Professors have lots of experience
Unorganized, Schedules published late, Experience depends on specialization
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Teaching method
Gerald B
Belgium, Undergraduate
Law, 2015
One of Maastricht University (UM) strongest asset is the teaching method. The problem-based learning method has spread throughout the Netherlands. It works very well, as it offers the opportunity for students to interact with each other in small groups. However, the issue with such system is that it requires a lot of teachers (as a result of having small groups). Thus, you might end up with a bachelor or a master student giving class. Sometimes, I felt that the difference in the teaching level between a professor or a assistant and a student was considerable.
A part of that, Maastricht was an amazing experience and a great working environment.
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small group classes, working environment, atmosphere
student giving class, limited library capacity (currently expanding working spaces)
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It was amazing to study in the city where the Maastricht treaty was signed.
Ludgero C
European Studies, 2022
Overall, my experience studying in Maastricht was outstanding. Most of the courses were well accessed, excluding one that should have been organised differently. Personally, I had a very close relationship with most professors, however I think they should be have been more understanding regarding the students' mental health specially during the rough and harsh times we are living in.
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I did not have any interaction with the careers office.
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I found PBL very useful as it makes every student comfortable of exposing their ideas and findings from the readings. It also opens doors to very interactive debates, which is always useful and handy to get to know other perspectives.
This master programme was too much focused on Europe. Too much Eurocentric. Personally, it should also give voice to a wide range of other scholars, most notably from the Global South.
Useful  |  1
Great program, little perspective
Maxim T
Netherlands, Graduate
European Studies, 2019
The European Studies program provides the students a large diversity of courses in different fields such as history, politics, economics and law. All of the being focused on the European Union and its functioning. 
Maastricht University has a high percentage of international tutors as well as students which creates a special experience. Moreover, the tutorials groups are constantly changing (every aprx. 2 months) which gives the students the possibility to meet as many new people as possible.
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highly ranked programm
no support after the graduation
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Bachelor's Student of Digital Society at Maastricht University
Joel G
Netherlands, Undergraduate
Computer Science / IT, 2022
My program is called "Digital Society" (not listed on iAgora). It is a multi-disciplinary research bachelor that encourages us to learn the technical workings of specific technologies and research best practice applications. I have focused my research on AI, HealthTech, E-health, and blockchain. This programme is ideal for students who have a specific technology sector in mind that they want to become an expert in.
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Students can freely choose research topics
Since this programme is taking place for the first time, it is not rare not the organization is not optimal.
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