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University of Westminster

322 reviews
3.98 / 5 based on 322 reviews
1 – 6 of 322
Useful  |  3
Diversity and the media MA
Oxana P
United Kingdom, Graduate
, 2018
Specifically, this course was very intensive and theoretical, because it combined two specialties - media studies and sociology. This is very cool, because in a short time, in about 6 months of study, I managed to learn a lot. They give a lot of recommendations regardings literature, which can be useful in the future also. In general, all the teachers were reading quite interesting lectures, as they were visiting lecturers with strong practical knowledge. We had to do many assignments, but this is more like a plus because, in the end, you are getting organised  and punctual, you don't simply get your piece of paper with scores but you become very responsible, and intelligent person, who is able to work with tight deadlines as well as be resistant to very stressful environment.  On the other hand, it might be very difficult for those who are even very diligent but do not have that level of English or studied previously like only fundamentals in media or sociology, trust me, this is not enough. I would not advise such a course for this kind of people. At the beginning of the course, you basically have 2 weeks to change your mind and transfer to another course, so about 5 people did it because initially, they expected the course would be easier so far. Overall, the course is fine, in fact, after so many different modules and assignments, the guys started to work in different mediums besides inclusive journalism,  like sociology (for example me), social practice, even politics and work with international organizations, or even marketing and social campaigning. Still, being an overseas student I got a distinction. The course is very much like a philosophical one when you basically do it for your satisfaction and gaining a lot of knowledge that presumably you won't be able to incorporate into your real life.
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Very theoretical course, for me its a huge plus as I adore reading and writing a lot, especially academic essays, analysis or conducting research
Too difficult, teachers don't help, I would say AT ALL. In general it's because masters have to study on there own. So if you're not ready, do not even try. Another minus  is that you don't get any practice because it's obviously theoretiical course
Useful  |  3
Field trip
Diren C
United Kingdom, Undergraduate
Computer Science / IT, 2021
As I am a student at the University of Westminster, I can easily review about the opportunities they provide their students to achieve higher in terms of education. In May 2018, I was selected to take part in this field trip to Uzbekistan to engage with the students of the Uzbek University where we were divided in to small groups to take part in the project called Hackaton. This trip has helped me in many ways to improve my knowledge and even personally me.
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Small classes with friendly teachers
Not well organised
Useful  |  3
Inmaculada M
Universitat d'Alacant, Alacant, Spain
Humanities, Undergraduate, Erasmus
I wish I had known...
I wish I had known that some landlords here are thieves!I lost a lot of money because of the abusive rent!
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
Although I do not regret having studied here, I think they should care a little more for international studies.They should try to be more organised.My registration day was chaotic!
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Bear in mind that London is a very expensive city, and it can be very difficult to find accommodation.Maybe you are not going to make many British friends, but be sure that you'll find loads of great people among the international students!At least, that's my experience.
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Useful  |  3
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Journalism, Graduate, Independent
I wish I had known...
work experience in Local or international companies in UK
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In my opinion:
I loved it but I'm not sure everybody would.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
It's a good place for Media study. Teaching facilities are quite professional. While sometimes a long queue.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
London is such an expensive city to live in. Normally it's much cheaper to stay outside. But better make sure your host family has internet access, which is very important during your course. You can always find cheaper stuffs in different super-markets. You may also fo to Sainsbury after 8pm, when you can find reduced food.
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Useful  |  6
Henriette L
Norwegian School of Management BI, Oslo, Norway
Public Relations / Publicity / Advertising, Undergraduate, Independent
Main source of funding:
Government assistance
Other sources of funding:
Personal savings
Work opportunities:
Personal spending habits
Food in England is less expensive than in Norway. However, more or less everything else was an increase in expenses. Not because I waste more money abroad but because London overall is a bit more expensive city than Oslo.
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Travel, Housing, Overall:
was more expensive than at home.
Telephone, Nightlife:
was the same price as at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
My biggest surprise was the difficulty in opening a bank account in London. It is not suited and doesn't seem to welcome international students. In order to get an account you need sufficient proof of adress and papers from your university only gives you a low beneficail and difficult account. It is important that every document you retrieve has your named spelled correctely, otherwise you have to start all over. As for cost-saving, buy the store bands in grossery stores (a lot cheaper than other brands and tastes just as good). Make calls from Skype and try to get a contract on your phone-pay as you go is very very expensive. join web sites for student discounts and try to register for guest lists before going ut, you usually get to pay a lower cover charge.
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Useful  |  0
Experience of different cultures
United Kingdom, Undergraduate
Business Studies, 2021
I won't talk about any course as I believe that is up to the individual, what I will say that the University of Westminster can certainly widen your horizon in means of learning and understanding different cultures, which can enhance your perspective.
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Module leaders
1 – 6 of 322