The FHW-Berlin has a very nice, open atmosphere. It is a small university and the contact between the international students is very good. The contact with locals is more difficult, also because of the fact that most of local students work and study at the same time. The professors are helpful. The educational system is quite theoretical, but the exams are not too difficult. I think it is certainly worthwhile to go to Berlin and study at the FHW
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continue the erasmus programme the way it is right now, but maybe try in organise more social events for both erasmus and host students on a continuous basis. I know students are there primarily to study, but i feel thats one side of FHTW life which was neglected, a social scene with host students and not just international ones.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai... (1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent