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Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) reviews

198 reviews
4.18 / 5 based on 198 reviews
Useful  |  1
Great opportunities to study abroad
Gonzalo N
Spain, Undergraduate
Business Studies, 2017
When I started studying at Universidad de Alcalá, I did not know that I would spend half of my time abroad. I got the chance to enrich my knowledge in the business field during my first two years studying in Madrid, working on projects with my classmates, although the way some teachers conducted the lessons was a bit boring sometimes. I remember Macroeconomics as one of my favorite subjects, more because of the way the teacher taught it. There were other subjects such as Microeconomics or Introduction to Law that were basically buying the teacher´s published book and go through it during the whole semester.
What I loved about this university was the chance to study abroad for my second half of the whole program, a total of 2 years. I know many universities only allow students to have this experience for 6 months or a year. I have the amazing opportunity to study a whole year in Sweden with the ERASMUS program, and another whole year in Taiwan with the ERASMUS+ program. This way, I could not only learn about things related to my field of study, but also about life, interpersonal relationships with people from a variety of countries, as well as learning about two different cultures. My last year in Taiwan gave me the chance to improve my Chinese skills that I had already learned before moving to this Asian country.
Overall, I would say my experience was positive, but there is room for improvement for sure, especially in the way some teachers gave the lessons.
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Opportunities to study abroad
Some teachers were not passionate
Useful  |  6
Matthew B
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Personal recommendation
Academically it is a wonderful university, very beautiful to look at, and is surrounded by a thriving student community with related night life and activities.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  4
Realmente una experiencia apasionante
Spain, Undergraduate
Chemistry, 2018
Estudié Químicas en Alcalá y como a todos los estudiantes, al principio llegas muy perdido y te cuesta ubicarte, pero gracias a bastantes profesores, personal de la universidad y compañeros, poco a poco todos nos íbamos ubicando. 
Desde mi punto de vista, y tras haber estado estudiando en otras universidades, creo que el nivel de los profesores en general es muy bueno, son muy buenos en química física, en inorgánica, en orgánica, y en analítica no son muy buenos explicando, pero como investigadores son los mejores.
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Los profesores
La forma de examinar
Useful  |  0
Muy satisfecha con mi formación
Andrea H
Engineering, 2024
He cursado tres años de estudios en la Universidad de Alcala donde he aprendido muchas estrategias en cuanto a programas informáticos como autocad, ansys, solidedge, excel, arduino, ubuntu, programación en C…. Los profesores han sido un buen ejemplo para mi y he conseguido desarrollar mis habilidades de una forma óptima. El último año lo cursaré en Florencia gracias a la beca erasmus que se me ha sido otorgada por la Universidad.
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la formación
Presencial, Grado, Gestión educativa
Presencial, Grado, Inglés
Presencial, Grado, Biología
Presencial, Grado, Enfermería
REVIEWS BY INTERNS AT Universidad de Alcalá
Colegio espectacular con una estructura interna docentil...
Colegio con una dirección reciente muy innovadora, con grandes ideas y propósitos y cambios adaptados para las necesidades de los niños.
Good experience teaching
Great experience with mentors
Completa la formación y agradable trato.
Los profesionales muy agradables, buen ambiente de trabajo, éticos... Las prácticas muy completas y se adaptan a lo que pide el oficio.
Ese año contrataron a muchisima gente para realizar prácticas en el mismo período, la empresa estaba creciendo pero poco a poco, y había más gente de prácticas que técnicos a los que ayudar
Event Planning and Advertising
In this company, my creative and photography skills played an important role to enhance the image of the company in order to attract more clients. As a company working in the performance and event sectors, good quality images were vital. They also needed someone with good English and Chinese language skills to negotiate with international companies that would host events in Taiwan and needed entertainment for the assistants.
Amazing Experience!
The international marketing department is gathers young talent and innovative thinking. I enjoyed a lot being part of this group. From day 1 I had responsibilities and I leant something new everyday.
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Other names: Alcalá University
Phone: +34 91 885 40 88
Address: Universidad de Alcalá, Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales, Colegio de San Ildefonso, Plaza de San Diego s/n, 28801 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
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