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Université Jean Moulin: Lyon III

Overall Reviews
4.16 / 5 based on 316 reviews
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Useful  |  6
Roberta G
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
I wish I had known...
Strathclyde University prepared students pretty well before going abroad, especially regarding the country of destination. I wish I had had more information on courses. At the end of the year everybody has to do a report on the city and university they go to in order to help subsequent students in settling in better. The report of the people that went to Lyon III the year before me was very useful and I hope that mine was very useful too to other students going the following year.
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
I would recommend this university as I would any other university. At the end of it, is what you make out of it that counts. I would say that there could be more friendly and approachable universities than this one.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
When you go to France you must take out with you several documents as they will definetely come in useful, whether you have to open a bank account or apply for financial help towards your rent. You have to realise that you will come across some bureacracy that you are not used to in UK. Going to another country can be difficult for some people, especially if it is the first time you live abroad and the culture is quite different from yours. However, if you are patient and realise that it can take some time to adapt and you are aware that customs and lifestyles are different everywhere in the world, you will have an excellent time. One last piece of advice, which I think is the most important, do mix with local people or at least try to stay with other international students with whom you do not speak your native language. Everywhere I have been I have seen this happening: Italians mix with Italians, French mix with French and so on. I know it is easier to mix with people from the same culture and background as yours but it is a real shame to waste your year like this. You will regret it when it comes to speak that foreign language, or when you travel around the world and do not have a friend to go to. Just make the most of this experience. It has been the best in my entire life.
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Useful  |  3
Law studies in a central French city
Séverine G
Spain, Graduate
Law, International, 2018
I spent my 5 years of studies in the city of Lyon.
Lyon III is one of the three universities proposing a law degree. I chose this one because its known for its seriousness and the professors have a great reputation.
The professors are excellent, there is a lot of different courses but each one have professors recognized for their studies and the quality of their work. I would just say that they are not really present for any help and you need to be really autonomous.
The buildings are fantastic; there is two different sites (one for the first cycle degree, the other for the second). The buildings are in Haussmann style and they just look splendid. The construction are renovated and the classes are well made. There is access to many libraries, computers and a lot of academic resources. There is also a really good student life and a lot help from other students for foreign students.
It is not so easy to make good friends; there is a lot of competition and the school generally lack of support and solidarity.
The administration is awful and won't help in any way; the secretariat never have any answer for your questions and it absolutely doesn't bother them.
I chose to graduate in the international and environmental fields. I found my 4th and 5th years to be the most interesting of my university course, but also the most challenging.
The city is great, not cheap but affordable, even for students with low income. The landscapes are amazing; it's really close to the mountains. Paris is only at a 2 1/2 hours trip by train.
There is a lot to do in the city and you won't spend a day without a new discovery !
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The city (definitely), the professors, the variety of courses and the quality of the teachings, the accessible resources
The administration, the lack of help or monitoring, the competition between students
Useful  |  0
Gestionnaire  d'entreprise
Jean J
France, Masters
, 1991
Garantie Sécurité Privée
N’Djamena, Tchad    -  Directeur Général
(en remplacement)
HTIR International Resources  Inc., Oregon, 97405, USA 
Recrutement en Masters aux universités USA  (work-study program), (fait en France)  Oct. 2012 – Fév. 2013

Du 12/03/2008 à 2010
Encadrements Exotiques Frames de Montréal, Canada Consultant – Commercial (en bois exotiques)
(fait depuis Douala, Cameroun) 
Depuis le 20/04/07(6 mois),
Hôtel Mar & Sol, Puerto Plata, Rép. Dominicaine Responsable Marketing: vendeur des excursions aux touristes (fait en anglais)  Juillet –Septembre, 2003

Lycée Jules Monnet à Saint-Étienne, France 
(2è année BTS/alternance) Formateur en Commerce International Janvier 2001-Mars 2001
ISTEC : à Cayenne, en Guyane française Formateur en Marketing, Econ. d’entr. Options: Ac.Com; Ass. Gest. Marketing Septembre-Décembre 2000
Arche Voyages à Lyon, distr produits pharma. en Afrique

Université Nancy II Département D.U.T. (Bac +3)
Responsable  Marketing
Formateur en Management Stratégique, des étudiants et Professionnels envoyés par le Fonds National de l‘Emploi (F.N.E.) 1997 – 1999
Rectorats divers de l’Education Nationale (classes de BTS, et Lycée) à Strasbourg, Haguenau, Sélestat, Montbéliard, Pontarlier, Saint-Etienne. Professeur de : gestion; techniques commerciales /marketing; législation, Economie générale et d'entreprise 1987-1990, et 1992-1993

ESSEC : l’Ecole Supérieur de commerce de Douala  Professeur de Politique Générale des Entreprises (en 4è année) 1986-1987
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Gestion en Management stratégique
Useful  |  0
My experience at Université Jean Moulin Lyon III | iaelyon School of Management
Maria V
France, Graduate
Business Studies, 2021
The Université Jean Moulin Lyon III is located in the "Manufacture des Tabacs", a beautiful building from the beginning of the 20th century. Over 30,000 students both local and foreign are part of the University. 
As for my personal experience, I am a student in the MGB bachelor program which is part of the iaelyon School of Management, located at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. We are only 26 students  in this program but talking about the university in general, there are a lot of services for students regarding the students' career development, international exchanges, financial help, sport, cultural and artistic activities, foreign students integration, etc.
As foreign students we are helped and supported by the university all the way regarding the paperwork of the visa or the residence permit. 
The teachers are in my experience completely engaged with the students' academical development. Always willing to hear and open to help students. 
The student life, before the COVID-19 crisis was very active. The students associations were always organizing parties or events in different parts of the city. There are also some bars just outside the university where you can go have a little drink just after a long journey of classes or exams. 
Also at the university's restaurant (Le Crous), you can have meals for only 3.30€.
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It is an international university / Several services aiming to improve students' experience / Teachers engaged and always willing to help / Active student life / Good international students' integration
Since it is a big university managing thousands of students, some administrative demands can take very long.
Useful  |  4
Master 1 et 2 Commerce International mention L.E.A, très professionnalisant
Aurélien P
France, Graduate
Marketing and Sales Management, 2018
Le 1er semestre de ce Master se déroule à Lyon et le second semestre doit obligatoirement s'effectuer dans une université à l'étranger (à l'université de Manchester en Angleterre pour moi). Il se poursuit obligatoirement avec un stage en entreprise de 2 mois à l'étranger également (à Pise en Italie pour ma part). 
Le 3ème semestre (Master 2) se déroule à Lyon, et le 4ème doit s'effectuer à nouveau à l'étranger, pour un stage en entreprise de 6 mois, donnant lieu à la rédaction et à la soutenance d'un mémoire en 3 langues (Français, Anglais et Italien pour moi).
Les cours sont très variés et souvent dispensés par des professionnels (chefs d'entreprise, cadres, etc.).
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Formation trilingue très professionnalisante.
Trop de changements dans les plannings de cours, qui parfois se chevauchent. Un peu galère!
Useful  |  1
Mon expérience à l'Université Jean Moulin: Lyon III
Bilel K
Management Science, 2023
L'Université Lyon III est une structure qui favorise le développement personnel et intellectuel de ses étudiants. En effet, les cours sont tantôt dispensés par des professeurs savants, compétents et passionnés, tantôt par des intervenants qui excellent dans des domaines bien particuliers. C'est à mon sens, quelque chose que l'Université Lyon III à su intégrer à la perfection dans ses différents cursus, permettant à ses étudiants de bénéficier d'un bagage théorique solide, nuancé par l'approche plus pratique et réaliste des divers intervenants.
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L'Université Jean Moulin: Lyon III propose des ressources intéressantes et exploitables, notamment sur le plan international. En effet, l'Université Jean Moulin dispose de partenariat avec d'autres universités partout dans le monde et a surtout su les intégrer dans ses divers cursus. Je pense notamment au Master LEA, mention Langues-Droit-Commerce qui propose à l'étudiant d'effectuer une année d'étude en France, puis une en Italie. L'étudiant obtient alors un double diplôme, un de la part de l'Université Lyon III et l'autre de l'Université de  Turin.
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La pédagogie et la proximité des professeurs, la qualité de l'enseignement, le bon niveau général des étudiants
L'organisation administrative et l'organisation des examens terminaux,
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