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4.30 / 5 based on 94 reviews
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“De mi experiencia en otro país: vivir y estudiar en Alemania”
Claudia S
Germany, Graduate
, 2007
Vivir y estudiar en Alemania me ha marcado de una manera profunda tanto, que el rumbo de mi vida cambió. Soy administradora de empresas y he trabajado 12 años en este campo, sin embargo, esta experiencia me llevó a decidir recorrer un nuevo camino; esto ha significado, de algún modo, empezar otra vez. Tuve la oportunidad de aprender alemán y de ir a la universidad, en Alemania donde realicé estudios de filología en un programa de formación para el magisterio y la pedagogía. La experiencia me permitió descubrir una doble pasión; por un lado el aprendizaje de lenguas y culturas diversas; y por el otro, la enseñanza de éstos a través de una formación profesional en pedagogía y educación. Nunca antes en Colombia fui capaz de aprender un idioma extranjero, nunca entendí nada de lo que trataban de enseñarme en los institutos privados donde pagaba cursos que me prometían ser la solución a un deseo de ser bilingüe: los docentes, eran jóvenes que pasaban algún tiempo en el exterior y llegaban a Colombia de nuevo a buscar trabajo como “docentes” de Inglés.
A raíz de ésta valiosa experiencia, tuve la idea de convertirme en profesional de estos campos, con el fin de asumir una responsabilidad social y política. Esta responsabilidad implica primero, afrontar los retos planteados por los avances tecnológicos y científicos del siglo XXI. Segundo, implica desarrollar las competencias conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales para llevar a cabo los procesos educativos de los aprendices de hoy, quienes serán los responsables de mantener el progreso social como ciudadanos del mundo en la era del conocimiento. Finalmente, implica la participación activa y global en los asuntos sociales y políticos que buscan cambios fundamentales promotores de la permanencia y el progreso humano. Asumir dichas responsabilidades se ha convertido para mi en un compromiso profundo y en una opción de vida, tanto a nivel personal, como profesional y laboral, la experiencia ha sido determinante en mi vida y desde entonces mi meta ha sido y es contribuir al progreso social en un nuevo entorno global.
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El desarrollo de una consciencia social y política en pro del progreso humano.
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I wish I had known...
That its just the little things you're not used to that get hard sometimes. When I first went into bars and got table service, for example, I didn't understand the tipping system and just thought "why can I not get my own drink like at home". However, by the time I got back to England I was thinking "where's the waiter/ess!"
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In my opinion:
I loved it but I'm not sure everybody would.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
I think its a nice town and there are plenty of opportunities for travel but if you are serious about your studies it may not be for you. It was very hard to find the right courses to take.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Where you go isn't so important, what makes it are the people you meet so get out there and join everything you can, make an effort with everyone you meet. Its also the best way to improve your language skills.
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I wish I had known...
That the best thing to do is to find a job right away so as to be able to get to know the culture better and closer.
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
It was an excellent place to see the "real Germans", it is a typical German city with everything that anyone would need but if you are thinking that you will improve in your major (if it is not German) it will not come that easy.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Study abroad it can really change how you view an entire country and its people.
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Claudia N
I wish I had known...
The only thig I wish I had known before going abroad is the difficulties that sometimes I had to face living alone in a one-room apartment. I think that it is better for a foreign student to live together with other students, in order to get to know easily other people and to improve constantly the foreign language
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
The University of Wuerzburg offers a high quality of courses and several tutorial activities dedicated to all the international students who come to Wuerzburg every year. Every professor has a secretary who is generally always available to help students to organise their plan of study and give every sort of advise. The university library offers a great amount of bibliographical material for all the scientific fields which are taught at the University, so that avery student can have an easily access to it to carry out a research or a group project, which are generally required in many seminars.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
My final comment about the experience abroad is overall positive. It was both an excellent academic and personal experience, which helped me to acquire more confidence and become more indipendent.
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Suzanne S
I wish I had known...
That the year would go by so fast!
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In my opinion:
Everybody loved it, you will too!
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
Wuerzburg is for you if you're looking for a university town, with pleanty to do. The people are all really friendly and although the town is quite homey there is also a good international vibe about the place. It is a good solid university and you will enjoy your time there!
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
During the Semesterferien TRAVEL! Especially if you come from an island nation like I do, you should take advantage of the fact that you are on the continent. Force yourself to speak German! Most Germans speak English and will try to practise their English on you. Don't be put off by this, it doesn't mean that your German is not good enough, just keep talking!
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I wish I had known...
A bit more information about the city.
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In my opinion:
Everybody loved it, you will too!
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Personal recommendation
It's very good university,teachers are great,...I simply like it.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Met people from other countries
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
Go for it!You won't be sorry!!
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